
posted under by Team Peru Denmark
The life that we are given
The home that we live in
Is neither our choice
Nor what dictates our voice.
Guilt is a strong feeling
Which sometimes demands healing.
It should not be based on what you possess
Or on those who have less.
It is finding the balance in life
That seperates joy from strife.

Yet when seeing the children
I am filled with the re-occuring guilt.
An inevibility that is not to fault
But in order to persue true happiness
One has to channel that guilt
Look aside from what you or others possess
To channel your energy into positivity
Into thoughts of hope and creativity.
Because the only way to make change
Is to live in the moment
And work towards a brighter future.
Guilt. Shame. Disgrace.
Are all feelings we face.
But always remember to
Use the guilt to rebuild.

Philip S.

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