Day 2 - Our Adventure in Lima

posted under by Team Peru Denmark
The trip has been very overwhelming so far. Last night, we arrived safely at Lima Wasi Hotel, after a crazy and bumpy bus ride (but not to worry, no one suffered any bodily harm besides motion sickness), where we had our first team meeting in Peru on the roof. We tried our first grenadillas, the best fruit ever! After a nice, long sleep we had breakfast in the sun this morning, where we tried papaya juice and had tasty omelets with many different types of tropical fruit. Our day in Lima started with a bus tour with a guide named Gustavo, who taught us about some of Peru's history and the stories behind the buildings and areas of Lima. He taught us some interesting facts about their culture, for example that their favorite sport is soccer. Ironically, they are ranked the worst team in South America. We saw the national soccer stadium, which was half broken down and falling apart. We also saw 700 year old ruins opposite of brand-new buildings, which was a striking difference within a twenty meter radius. What we found very interesting was that there were so many huge, expensive-looking houses, but they were enclosed by electrical and spiked metal fences. There were even some houses which had broken bottles on top, because these people couldn't afford fences. It was shocking to see that what they consider rich areas still seem poor for our standards, and the difference between the rich and poor houses, even on the same street, was immense. After the bus tour, we visited a beautiful cathedral, which had dungeons with open graves that contained thousands of bones, an estimate of 200.000 dead bodies. We took a walk to the beach, which was stunning. We met up with Suzy and her family and had a lunch of fresh fish in Lima's most famous local fish restaurant. Dee-lish! We walked back past the beautiful ocean landscape where the sun was setting on the Pacific. Lima's atmosphere is very lively, with busy traffic, musicians playing upbeat music and many people selling food and souvenirs. So far, only one of our members is feeling sick, hopefully she will feel better and everyone will stay healthy. The weather has been AWESOME! It is very muggy, the temperature is around 27 degrees in the shade and 31 in the sun. Not too shabby! We hope everyone in Denmark is enjoying the cold ;)

We can't wait till tomorrow, where we get up bright and early for our flight to Cuzco! Relaxing has been fun, but we are excited to get to work, which is the reason why we are here.

See you later!

Helena & Fred

(pictures will be posted in a few hours)

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