DAY 1 - Welcome to Lima

posted under by Team Peru Denmark


Indeed, ladies and gentlemen, we have finally arrived. This morning we let go of our roles as students and we have now immersed ourselves into an unfamiliar yet exciting world. We landed local time 18:08 (00:08 Danish time) and have now successfully checked into the hotel in Lima. The flight went extremely well and we all developed a strong liking for the tiny TV- screens, which provided us with countless of movies, games and TV series. Also, for the first time in Team Peru history the flights were on time and every ones luggage arrived. Tonight we’re all going to relax and recharge so that we have the energy for some sight seeing in Lima in the morning.
The way we’re all feeling is completely indescribable at the moment. It’s insane!!
We can’t believe we’re finally here. FINALLY, we get to do what we’ve been dreaming about for the past 6 months.

Well, enough for now. We’re going to go hang out with our amazing team members.
Tune in tomorrow!


Achille and Sara

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