1 More Night!

posted under by Team Peru Denmark
Hello there, Internet people!

Yes, I realise the title of this post is unfortunately similar to a cheesy Phil Collins hit, but at this point, I'm too excited to care. Twenty. Three. Hours. 23 hours is all that's left before take off from Copenhagen and the wheels on the plane go round and round. I've wanted to work for Team Peru since 7th grade - four years of anticipation will become a reality in exactly twenty-three hours.

THAT'S INSANE! The extent of the insanity is so vast that it can only be contained by capital letters. I'M SO EXCITED. Again, capital letters.

On a more serious note, I think everyone is really looking forward to seeing their work and dedication come to fruition. Working with the children, building Fernando´s new room, actively working for the betterment of the children's' living conditions - essentially, this is what we've all been working towards. This has served as a superlative motivator, and I think, upon return from the trip, our experiences with the children will serve as even stronger motivators for us to keep working diligently.


No sleep 'till Kastrup.

Paz y amor,



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